Pants: H&M / Vest: H&M / Top: Zara / Belt: H&M / Bag: Pieces / Shoes: H&M / Earrings: H&M
I love the good weather where having lately! It makes me feel so much better! I have more engery and I smile more.
That's why I felt like wearing bright colours. I bought this feather earrings this week, I'm addicted to feather earrings I think I already have 7 pair of them, in all different colours.
Do you guys like feather earrings aswell?
I think they make your look a bit bohemian and fun.
My hair looks a bit messy I know, but I had a shoot yesterday wear they did my hair with big curls.
The photographer was Marcel van der Vlugt!! He's an amazing en well-know dutch photographer, he worked with Lara Stone and did shoots for Vogue. So you can imagine I was very nervous, I'm nothing against Lara Stone...
I'll show you the result when I have it, I learned a lot from him! You can see his work on his website:
Enjoy this beautiful day!!
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