Skirt: Zara / Blazer: H&M / Shoes: Asos / Necklace: TITI+THE GERMAN KID / Bag: River island / Sunnies: 80's purple
This is my outfit I wore to the Sacha event yesterday. The dresscode was a 'touch of yellow' so I wore my neon sandals and necklace. i'm really loving the neon trend of this summer, but I prefer it in accessories or shoes rather then in clothes.
Justin Bieber performing in Oslo Norway May 30th, 2012
Justin Bieber kicked off his “All Around The World” promotional tour for his upcoming “Believe” album in Oslo Norway on Wednesday – and almost created a National incident.
The crowds in Oslo were so large and so excited to see the pop singer that police were unable to contain the crowds and had to move up the concert start time in order to keep the peace.
Justin Bieber in Oslo 2012
In fact, Justin had to send out a tweet asking his fans to listen to the Police and follow their directions or the show may have to be cancelled.
In the end, the show went on and Bieber was flown to the Oslo Opera House by helicopter because the streets of Oslo were so crowded there was no way to get Justin to the venue.
The following video is from a traffic helicopter flying over the Opera House and shows the thousands of people and hundreds of boats that clogged the harbor.
Some estimates are that 30,000 people packed the streets and the Opera House grounds in order to catch a glimpse of Bieber’s free concert.
Bieber sang six songs – two of his old standbys and four new songs off his upcoming “Believe” album.
Watch Justin Bieber Live in Oslo Norway May 30th 2012
As better videos become available we will add them here so check back often!
Footage from Justin's "All Around The World" tour will be televised in a special NBC Television documentary report later this month.
Crowds at the Oslo Opera
Bieber next heads to Paris to continue his “All Around The World” promotional tour and will then return to the United States.
Once back on U.S. soil Justin is expected to contact the Los Angeles Police to answer questions about his assault case against a photographer that took place over the Memorial Day holiday weekend.
Most legal minded people feel the case will either be settled out of court or dropped altogether but will act as a wake-up call for the singer that he needs to control his temper – especially now that he is 18-years-old.
I was invited to the launch event from sacha online webshop for Belgium, held by UPR Belgium. It was a lovely afternoon. The amazing Tiany was the geusthost, she has an amazing sense of style! We were able to test the online webshop and got to order a pair of shoes for free!! I'll show them to you when I got them!
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So what are you guys waiting for! Check out the shop here:!
A Photographer talks to medics after Bieber beat down
Justin Bieber fans around the globe are starting to get a little worried today as news outlets are reporting that his “Paparazzi Assault” case will be going to the Los Angeles County District Attorney.
Bieber rushing photographer
The case is currently being investigated by the Los Angeles police department after the victim filed an assault charge against the singer on Monday.
Bieber is wanted for questioning by the Police and will most likely surrender to them once he returns to the United States after his promotional tour is complete. The promo tour just kicked off in Oslo Norway and is the first phase of Bieber’s new “Believe” album promotion.
As we reported on Monday, Bieber was accused of assaulting a photographer while leaving a mall in Calabasas California with his girlfriend Selena Gomez.
Bieber claims the photographer was blocking their van and after repeated requests would not let him and Selena pass.
Justin Bieber confronts paparazzi on Monday
That’s when Bieber jumped from the vehicle and charged the man and laid a Mike Tyson style bash to the paparazzi’s head.
Neither Bieber nor the photographer was arrested at the scene but the case is now in the hands of the authorities.
Ironically, just last week Justin was being trained by non-other than the ear biting World Champion boxer Mike Tyson – and they recorded a short video showing Bieber punching the bag - indicating that JB might actually be able to throw a killer punch after all.
But now things are starting to get serious because the case has been handed over to prosecutors whose job it is to see if charges should be brought against the singer.
Misdemeanor assault in California carries a maximum six month jail sentence, a $1,000 fine, and community service.
Bieber’s team has done the smart thing up to this point and not said a word about the incident nor released any press releases. But you got to assume that Scooter Braun is not happy and is in full crisis aversion mode right now.
One West coast lawyer says,
“Usually in a case like this the attacker is arrested until everything can be investigated and sorted out. This case will go in front of a Judge and in order for Bieber to avoid a jury trial he will have to either plead guilty, no contest, or settle the case out of court with the victim. We doubt if any judge would throw the book at Bieber and would probably suspend any jail time in exchange for probation - but Bieber’s camp will want nothing to do with that and will likely try to settle the case as quickly and quietly as possible.”
And that puts the Paparazzo in the driver’s seat by basically allowing him to “name his price” in exchange for dropping the charges or settling.
In fact, in California you don’t even have to actually assault someone – all you have to do is “try” or “attempt” to and you can be charged with misdemeanor assault.
Selena helping Justin after the scuffle
After seeing the photos and reading the news reports, most legal minded people seem to feel that whether you love him or hate him – Bieber was in the wrong and actually did assault the photographer.
Whether you agree with how Justin handled things or not, or who you believe is at fault is not the issue right now.
The issue right now is how the LAW looks at what happened.
And it seems that Bieber was probably at fault regardless of what tens of millions of Bieber's fans think.
One possible break for Bieber could come in the form of eyewitnesses who could testify that the photographer did indeed aggressively block Bieber’s path and would not move aside to allow him to exit the mall parking lot.
Victim in ambulance describing his injuries
California law has statutes aimed at paparazzi that can find them guilty in certain instances if they are overly aggressive or intrusive against a celebrity.
So it may all come down to a “He said, She said” scenario, but the bottom line is this is not over yet – in fact, this mess is just getting started.
And it’s probably not the kind of attention or promotion that Bieber’s camp is wanting at this particular time.
But this is Hollywood….. So maybe it is JUST what they’re looking for.
Justin Bieber rushes a photog before striking him in the face
Justin Bieber was been involved in another scuffle with the Paparazzi on Sunday May 27th – and this time the police and an ambulance were called!
Bieber and his girlfriend Selena Gomez had been on a movie date at the “Commons Mall” in Calabasas California when they were met by a group of Paparazzi at the exit when they tried to leave.
Some words were exchanged, and we hear it was negative toward Justin and Selena’s relationship, and Bieber blew his top and lost his temper - rushing the photographer, starting a scuffle, and striking him in the face.
The force of Bieber’s charge was so aggressive that one of his shoes came of as the scuffle took place.
(Click any photo for full size view)
Justin Bieber confronts a Photographer
Selena Gomez tried to calm Bieber down
Bieber loses a shoes in the scuffle
Selena tried to calm Bieber down and the police were called but there is no word yet if anybody was arrested.
The photographer said he had been “injured” and an ambulance was called to the scene and the photographer was seen in the back of the ambulance getting checked out.
We suspect the photographer will file an assault charge against Justin and the whole matter will be turned over to the District Attorney who will decide if charges should be filed.
Bieber rushing toward the photographer
The Photog in the ambulance after the attack
The injured photographer talking to paramedics
We also hear that Bieber was not accompanied by his body guard, staff, or management team while inside the mall and movie theater but that his bodyguard arrived on the scene just as the police were arriving.
Calabasas is the location of Justin Bieber’s new $6 million home that he purchased last month and it’s supposed to be super secluded.
But when outside of the walled and gated compound Bieber is subject to the Paparazzi and press photographers just like any other celebrity.
So here’s the problem,
Justin is now 18-years-old and if the photographer filed a police report and wants to press charges than Bieber could be in a lot of trouble.
California law defines an "assault" under Penal Code 240 PC as an unlawful attempt, coupled with a present ability, to commit a violent injury upon another person.
The penalty for assault in California is up to 6 months in jail, a $1,000 fine, and community service.
Selena Gomez enraged at Paparazzi
We’re pretty sure there will be charges filed, and we’re pretty sure Bieber’s camp will fight the good fight to settle the case before it goes to court.
Justin, we hope this is not an indication of what you are turning into. We love you and have faith that your path will be straight and you will learn to keep your cool in the future.
It's finally summer! And I'm enjoying every minute of it! Today I did a pic-nic at the castle with my boyfriend, we had a great time and ate a lot of delicious food! My shoes are new in from, they give a neon touche to my summer look, there great!
YouTube singing sensation Austin Mahone performed at his first Q102 Springle Ball last week.
The annual music event was held at the Wells Fargo Event Center in Philadelphia to a packed crowd of almost 15,000 people.
Mahone performed his new single 11:11 (Make a wish) and showed off some of his dance skills that he has been working on in preparation for the show.
Watch Austin Mahone Perform at the 2012 Springle Ball
The 2012 Springle Ball has been the largest audience Mahone has performed in front of since he started his career – and we suggest he get used to it because his career is just starting to take off.
And if performing in Philly wasn't exciting enough... Austin got to meet Cody Simpson!
Austin Mahone and Cody Simpson - 2012
Mahone recently moved to Miami Florida and hired a manager and career consultant and is in the processing of securing a record deal with a record label.
I'm feeling the summervibe! I love wearing a dress and heels, it feels so girly. Walking in heels, your dress floating when you walk: I love it! And my boyfriend love it too... Men love the summer: skirts; dresses and high heels! And sometimes we gotta give them what they want (just because then you can ask them everything you like :D )
I've never showed you guys some of my schoolwork so it was time I did! For those who don't know already, I study Graphic Design here in Belgium and I'm in my last year. What you see here (above) is my final thesis ( I also wrote a whole paper about it). It's a font based on Alexander McQueen. My whole thesis is about him. He's one of my favourite designers! I wanted to combine graphic design and fashion. I don't know my scores yet, hopefully there good!