Friday, June 1, 2012

VIDEO - Justin Bieber Gets Knocked Out in Paris – Suffers Concussion

Justin Bieber in Paris for his "All Around The World" Tour
Pop singer Justin Bieber was knocked out Thursday in Paris when he ran into a glass wall while performing his show as part of his “Around The World” promotion tour.

Bieber said he was on stage when he ran into the wall but was able to finish the song before walking off stage.

Bieber told reports,

"I was performing, and I was going offstage and, basically, I’m in Paris and performing on the tallest building in Paris, and there’s a glass wall behind me, but there’s a railing behind the glass. And so I went to reach for the railing and I hit my head on the glass. And I guess me and glass windows don’t really go together. Right now I feel good. I feel good. I have a little bit of a headache, but I feel fine."

After leaving the stage Bieber said he felt weak and then passed out and was unresponsive for about 10-15 seconds.

A doctor was rushed in and told him he had suffered a concussion and should be monitored for the next 24 hours.

Justin called in to TMZ to talk to Harvey about the incident:

We have seen a blurry video of the incident but are waiting for a better quality version before posting it here.

It was neat to hear Justin talk about his trip to Oslo Norway earlier in the week where officials had to declare a “State of Emergency” due to the size of the crowds.

Related: Justin Bieber Performing in Oslo Norway - Video

The “Boyfriend” singer will star in his first network television special on June 21, 2012 when NBC airs “Justin Bieber Believe: All Around the World.”

The special will be based on footage taken during his current promotional tour.

Follow @InfoStar on Twitter – We’re Beliebers!

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